Looks more like a dp problem to me. Here is my long and ugly solution.

    The main idea is, first find all the available spots where to put words. Then, find their length. Then, sort them by how many of each lengths there are. Start with the smallest numbers. If there is only one spot of length 5. The put the apppropriate word in that spot. Move to the next smallest number of words of that length, saving the possible configurations of the crossword that you found.

    Then loop over each spot/word length. For each set word/spot lengths, try all possiblities, store all possible configurations at that stage. Repeat, by the end, only one possible solution works.

    I think the functions ishstart/isvstart/findend/findspots and putword are reasonably nice. The function match can probably be writtend much better, in a recursive or nicer dp way.

    from collections import defaultdict
    from copy import deepcopy
    # Complete the 'crosswordPuzzle' function below.
    # The function is expected to return a STRING_ARRAY.
    # The function accepts following parameters:
    #  1. STRING_ARRAY crossword
    #  2. STRING words
    def ishstart(crossword, i, j):
        if i == 9 or crossword[i + 1][j] == '+':
            return False
        if i == 0 or crossword[i - 1][j] == '+':
            return True
        return False
    def isvstart(crossword, i, j):
        if j == 9 or crossword[i][j + 1] == '+':
            return False
        if j == 0 or crossword[i][j - 1] == '+':
            return True
        return False
    def findend(crossword, i, j, wordtype):
        if wordtype == 'Horizontal':
            start = i
            while start < 10 and crossword[start][j] == '-':
                start += 1
            return (start - 1, j)
        if wordtype == 'Vertical':
            start = j
            while start < 10 and crossword[i][start] == '-':
                start += 1
            return (i, start - 1)
    def findspots(crossword):
        spots = defaultdict(list)
        for i in range(10):
            for j in range(10):
                if crossword[i][j] == '-':
                    if ishstart(crossword, i, j):
                        end = findend(crossword, i, j, 'Horizontal')
                        spots[end[0] - i + 1].append(((i, j), end))
                    if isvstart(crossword, i, j):
                        end = findend(crossword, i, j, 'Vertical')
                        spots[end[1] - j + 1].append(((i, j), end))
        return spots
    def putword(cs, spot, word):
        xi, yi = spot[0]
        xf, yf = spot[1]
        l = 0
        cross = deepcopy(cs)
        for i in range(xi, xf + 1):
            for j in range(yi, yf + 1):
                if cs[i][j] == '-' or cs[i][j] == word[l]:
                    cross[i][j] = word[l]
                    l += 1
                    return False
        return cross
    def match(words, spots, crossword):
        wlengths = defaultdict(list)
        for word in words:
        nwords = []
        for wlength, words in wlengths.items():
            nwords.append([len(words), wlength])
        dp = None
        for nword in nwords:
            npossib, word_length = nword
            if npossib == 1:
                word_toput = wlengths[word_length][0]
                spot_toput = spots[word_length][0]
                if dp:
                    crossword = dp[0]
                newcross = putword(crossword, spot_toput, word_toput)
                dp = [newcross]
                words_toput = wlengths[word_length]
                spots_toput = spots[word_length]
                sols = []
                if dp:
                    for cross in dp:
                        poss = [cross]
                        for wd in words_toput:
                            newposs = []
                            for cross in poss:
                                for sp in spots_toput:
                                    newcross = putword(cross, sp, wd)
                                    if newcross:
                            poss = newposs
                            if not poss:
                        for sol in poss:
                    for wd in words_toput:
                        for sp in spots_toput:
                            newcross = putword(crossword, sp, wd)
                            if newcross:
                dp = sols
        return dp
    def crosswordPuzzle(crossword, words):
        crossword = [list(el) for el in crossword]
        spots = findspots(crossword)
        # print(spots)
        words = words.split(';')'
        sol = match(words, spots, crossword)[-1][0]
        # pprint(sol)
        return [''.join(el) for el in sol]