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Easy recursive alg
def insert_horizontal_candidate(horiz, tmp, w): for j in range(10): new_s += horiz[tmp[-1]+1:] return new_s def insert_vertical_candidate(vertic, tmp, w, j): new_s = '' for i in range(10): if i in tmp: if new_s.find(w) != -1: continue new_s += w else: new_s += vertic[i][j] return new_s def crosswordPuzzle(crossword, words): if type(words) != list and words.find(';') > 0: words = words.split(';') if len(words) == 0:#if empty candidates word return crossword return crossword for i in range(10):#try insert first horizontal candidates horiz = crossword[i] if horiz.find('-') != -1: index_of_possible_fields = [] for j in range(10): if horiz[j] != '+': index_of_possible_fields.append(j) if len(index_of_possible_fields) > 0 and (horiz[j] == '+' or j == 9): mask = ''.join([horiz[j2] for j2 in index_of_possible_fields]) for word in words: if len(word) == len(mask): can_use = 0 for j3 in range(len(word)): if (mask[j3] == '-') or (mask[j3] != '-' and word[j3] == mask[j3]): can_use += 1 if can_use == len(word): crossword2 = crossword.copy() crossword2[i] = insert_horizontal_candidate(crossword2[i], index_of_possible_fields, word) new_words = [w2 for w2 in words if w2 != word] tmp_cross = crosswordPuzzle(crossword2, new_words) success = True for c in tmp_cross: if c.find('-') != -1: success = False if success:#if returned crossword don't have empty spaces return tmp_cross index_of_possible_fields = [] for j in range(10):#then try insert vertical candidates(at this moment crossword will be without empty horizontal) vertic = ''.join([crossword[i][j] for i in range(10)]) if vertic.find('-') != -1: index_of_possible_fields = [] for i in range(10): if vertic[i] != '+': index_of_possible_fields.append(i) if len(index_of_possible_fields) > 0 and (vertic[i] == '+' or i == 9 ): mask = ''.join([vertic[i2] for i2 in index_of_possible_fields]) for word in words: if len(word) == len(mask): can_use = 0 for j3 in range(len(word)): if (mask[j3] == '-') or (mask[j3] != '-' and word[j3] == mask[j3]): can_use += 1 if can_use == len(word): crossword2 = crossword.copy() new_s = insert_vertical_candidate(crossword2, index_of_possible_fields, word, j) for i2 in range(10): crossword2[i2] = crossword2[i2][:j] + new_s[i2] + crossword2[i2][j+1:] new_words = [w2 for w2 in words if w2 != word] tmp_cross = crosswordPuzzle(crossword2, new_words) success = True for c in tmp_cross: if c.find('-') != -1: success = False if success:#if returned crossword don't have empty spaces return tmp_cross index_of_possible_fields = [] return crossword
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Crossword Puzzle
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Easy recursive alg