The Full Counting Sort

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    Finally, after 3 hours! Don't use Python's sort(): I assume that our memory usage is so constrained that we can't sort an array of 1000 things. Don't create a big string in memory (i.e. don't use join()). So:

    def count_sort_internal(a: list) -> list[str]:
        According to the examples online, this is how the 
        midpoint is calculated. The function is allowed
        to be destructive. 100 is the (exclusive) limit
        to the key.
        buckets = [[] for _ in range(100)]
        midpoint = len(a) // 2
        for i in range(midpoint):
            a[i][1] = '-'
        for i, (k, s) in enumerate(a):
            buckets[int(k)].append('-' if i < midpoint else s)
        result = [s for bucket in buckets for s in bucket]
        return result
    # pylint: disable=C0103,C0116
    def countSort(a: list):
        result = count_sort_internal(a)
        for i, s in enumerate(result):
            if i > 0:
                print(' ', end='')
            print(s, end='')