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C++ (more at , feel free to give a star :) )
namespace Forest{ using location_t = std::pair<size_t, size_t>; using locations_t = std::vector<location_t>; using path_t = locations_t; using paths_t = std::vector<path_t>; static constexpr char START = 'M'; static constexpr char DESTINATION = '*'; static constexpr char BLOCKED = 'X'; static constexpr std::array<std::pair<int, int>, 4> directions = { std::make_pair(-1, 0), std::make_pair(0, 1), std::make_pair(1, 0), std::make_pair(0, -1)}; location_t findLocation( std::vector<std::string> const &, char const & ); paths_t collectPathes( std::vector<std::string> &, location_t const & ); size_t countHints( paths_t const & _pathes, location_t const & _start ); std::string countLuck( std::vector<std::string> & _forest, int const & _hints ){ auto const start = findLocation(_forest, START); auto pathes = collectPathes(_forest, start); auto hintsUsed = countHints(pathes, start); std::cout << _hints << " " << hintsUsed << '\n'; return _hints == static_cast<int>(hintsUsed) ? "Impressed" : "Oops!"; } inline location_t findLocation( std::vector<std::string> const & _forest, char const & _value ){ auto const & szRows = _forest.size(); auto const & szCols = _forest.front().size(); auto destination = std::make_pair(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()); for(size_t r = 0; r < szRows; ++r){ for(size_t c = 0; c < szCols; ++c){ if( != _value){ continue;; } return {r, c}; } } return destination; } paths_t collectPathes( std::vector<std::string> & _forest, location_t const & _start ){ auto const destination = findLocation(_forest, DESTINATION); = BLOCKED; auto nextLocationOptions = locations_t(); nextLocationOptions.reserve(directions.size()); size_t rowNext = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); size_t colNext = rowNext; auto pathes = paths_t(); pathes.emplace_back(path_t({_start})); auto const & szRows = _forest.size(); auto arrived = false; auto const & szCols = _forest.front().size(); for(size_t pathIndx = 0, locationIndx = 0; pathIndx < pathes.size() && !arrived; ){ auto & path =; auto & location =; for(auto const & direction : directions){ rowNext = location.first + direction.first; colNext = location.second + direction.second; if( rowNext < 0 || szRows <= rowNext || colNext < 0 || szCols <= colNext || == BLOCKED ){ continue; } = BLOCKED; nextLocationOptions.emplace_back(rowNext, colNext); } if(nextLocationOptions.size() == 1){ path.emplace_back(nextLocationOptions.back()); ++locationIndx; if(nextLocationOptions.back() == destination){ arrived = true; } nextLocationOptions.clear(); continue; } for(auto const & nextLocationOption: nextLocationOptions){ pathes.emplace_back(path_t({location})); pathes.back().emplace_back(nextLocationOption); if(nextLocationOption == destination){ arrived = true; } } ++pathIndx; locationIndx = 1; nextLocationOptions.clear(); } return pathes; } inline size_t countHints( paths_t const & _pathes, location_t const & _start ){ size_t hintsUsed = 0; for(auto path = std::rbegin(_pathes), pathPrev = path + 1; pathPrev != rend(_pathes); path = pathPrev, pathPrev = path + 1 ){ ++hintsUsed; if(path->front() == _start){ break; } while(path->front() != pathPrev->back()){ ++pathPrev; } } return hintsUsed; } } // namespace Forest
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C++ (more at , feel free to give a star :) )