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Important: The following prcedure gives correct result for the testcase 0, testcase 1, and testcase 9.
Let m=hi-lo+1.
My procedure is as follows:
First Step:
Calculate the number of possible solutions of the problem
x1+x2+...+xk=n such that 1<= x1,x2,...,xk <= t
where t varies from ceil(n/k) to n-k+1.
Second Step:
Multiply this number with C(n,k).
Third step:
varies k from (1, min(n-1,m))
The code
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
import math
def nchoosek(n,k):
# calculating n choose k
global modnu
if n < k:
return 0
elif k==0:
return 1
for i in range(1,min(k,n-k)+1):
return t
def foxsequence(n,m):
global modnu
for k in range(2,min(n-1,m)+1):
for l in range(int(math.ceil(n/float(k))),n-k+2):
for r in range(k):
if n-l*(r+1)+r-1>= k-2:
return fox_se
for i in range(n):
t=map(int, raw_input().split())
print foxsequence(t[0],t[2]-t[1]+1)
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Count Fox Sequences
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Important: The following prcedure gives correct result for the testcase 0, testcase 1, and testcase 9.
Procedure: Let m=hi-lo+1.
My procedure is as follows:
First Step: Calculate the number of possible solutions of the problem
x1+x2+...+xk=n such that 1<= x1,x2,...,xk <= t
where t varies from ceil(n/k) to n-k+1.
Second Step: Multiply this number with C(n,k).
Third step:
varies k from (1, min(n-1,m))
The code