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Solution in Python 3
import sys P = 10**9 + 7 fact = [1] for i in range(1, 200001): fact.append(fact[-1] * i % P) inv = [0, 1] for i in range(2, 200001): inv.append(P - P // i * inv[P % i] % P) inv_fact = [1] for i in range(1, 100001): inv_fact.append(inv_fact[-1] * inv[i] % P) def ceil_div(a, b): return -(-a // b) def part(n, k): # print(n, k) if k == 0: return 1 if n == 0 else 0 return C(n + k - 1, n) def C(n, k): return fact[n] * inv_fact[k] % P * inv_fact[n - k] % P if (n >= 0) and (k >= 0) and (k <= n) else 0 def g(sum, n, b): # print(sum, n, b) ret = 0 for i in range(sum // b + 1): sign = 1 if i & 1 == 0 else -1 ret += sign * part(sum - i * b, n) * C(n, i) % P ret %= P # print (ret) return ret def f(n, k): ret = 0 for max in range(ceil_div(n + k - 1, k), n + 1): ret += g(n - max, k - 1, max) ret %= P return ret * k % P # print(g(6, 2, 4)) t = int(input()) for _ in range(t): n, low, high = map(int, input().split()) print(f(n, high - low + 1))
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Solution in Python 3