Really cool challenge! I had had to remember parts of linear algebra and analytic geometry, which I knew fairly well at university, but, of course, completely forgot.

    I've decided to solve the task firstly without looking up to the well-known algorithms, and I finally did it! My first straightforward solution was O(N^2), so, to pass all the test cases, I had rescue to a simple optimization trick. First of all, I build a simple octagon, based on points with min/max x/y coordinates. That octagon lies completely in the convex hull, so I could filter out a lot of "internal" points, using this simple approximation. After that, straightforward (bruteforce) algorithm worked quite well and fast for all test cases. Later I have found that I reinvented the "Akl–Toussaint heuristic" on my own! :)

    Of course, after that, I've read about well-known algorithms, and implemented QuickHull. The most interesting part was to make it return ordered points, for simple perimeter calculation.

    The core of my final solution with F# (without I/O):

    let vprod ((xa1, ya1), (xa2, ya2)) ((xb1, yb1), (xb2, yb2)) =
        (xa2 - xa1) * (yb2 - yb1) - (ya2 - ya1) * (xb2 - xb1)
    let pdir (p1, p2) p = vprod (p1, p2) (p1, p) |> sign
    let atRightOf v p = pdir v p < 0
    let heightScore (p1, p2) p = vprod (p1, p2) (p1, p) |> abs
    let orderedQuickHull ps = Seq.toList (seq {
        let rec rightHull basement ps = seq {
            let atRight = ps |> List.filter (atRightOf basement)
            yield! if atRight.IsEmpty then Seq.empty
                        let farthest = atRight |> List.maxBy (heightScore basement)
                        seq { yield! rightHull (farthest, snd basement) atRight;
                              yield farthest;
                              yield! rightHull (fst basement, farthest) atRight }
        let pMin = List.min ps
        let pMax = List.max ps
        yield pMin
        yield! rightHull (pMax, pMin) ps
        yield pMax
        yield! rightHull (pMin, pMax) ps
    let len ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =
        let dx = x1 - x2
        let dy = y1 - y2
        dx * dx + dy * dy |> float |> sqrt
    let orderedPerimeter ps =
        ps @ [List.head ps] |> List.pairwise |> List.sumBy len