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case class TrieNode(var count: Int = 0, val children: Map[Char, TrieNode] = Map.empty) {} class Trie { private val root = new TrieNode() def add(word: String) = word.foldLeft(root) { case (depth,char) => { depth.children .getOrElseUpdate(char, new TrieNode()) .tap(_.count += 1)}} def find(prefix: String): Int = prefix.foldLeft(Option(root)) { (traverse, char) => traverse.flatMap(_.children.get(char))} match { case Some(node) => node.count case None => 0 } } def contacts ( queries: Array[Array[String]]): Array[Int] = { queries.foldLeft((new Trie(), ListBuffer.empty[Int])) { case ((trie,res),q) => q match { case Array("add",w) => trie.add(w) (trie,res) case Array("find",w) => (trie,res.append(trie.find(w))) }}._2.toArray }
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