how to avoid recusrion?


    import math import os import random import re import sys


    Complete the 'countArray' function below.


    The function is expected to return a LONG_INTEGER.

    The function accepts following parameters:

    1. INTEGER n

    2. INTEGER k

    3. INTEGER x


    def _build_dp(last, s, array, rest, x, n): if len(rest)>n: return 0 if n==2: if s!=x: return 1 else: return 0
    _count=0 if (len(rest)==n): for i in rest: if i!=s: _count+=_build_dp(s, i, array, [ j for j in rest if j!=i ], x, n-1) else: for i in array: if i!=s: _count+=_build_dp(s, i, array, [ j for j in rest if j!=i ], x, n-1) return _count

    def countArray(n, k, x): _count=0 for i in range(2, k+1): _count+=_build_dp(1, i, range(1, k+1), [ i for i in range(2, k+1) if i!=x], x, n-1) return _count

    if name == 'main': fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')

    first_multiple_input = input().rstrip().split()
    n = int(first_multiple_input[0])
    k = int(first_multiple_input[1])
    x = int(first_multiple_input[2])
    answer = countArray(n, k, x)
    fptr.write(str(answer) + '\n')