A fast way to solve this is by utilizing a fact of the prime factors of a number, which can be found here:

    N = A^p x B^q x C^r  here A, B , C are prime numbers and p,q,and r were respective powers of that prime numbers.
    Total numbers of factors for N = (p + 1)(q + 1)(r + 1)

    So, what you need to solve this problem is to get the prime factors of a number, and get the product of the powers (+1 for each power) of its prime factors.

    SPOILERS (Haskell)

    SPOILERS (Haskell)

    SPOILERS (Haskell)

    Here is my implementation of this

    import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
    counter = foldr (\x -> Map.insertWith (+) x 1) Map.empty
    -- I'm too lazy to actually implement a prime sieve, so doing (2 : [odd numbers]) is good enough for me
    -- Though if you want it to be actually efficient, do a real prime sieve
    primeFactors = counter . flip go (2 : [3,5..]) where
      go n (x:xs)
        | x * x > n = [n | n >= x]
        | n `mod` x == 0 = x : go (n `div` x) (x:xs)
        | otherwise = go n xs
    -- the aforementioned formula of N = (p + 1)(q + 1)(r + 1)(...)
    numFactors = product . map (+1) . Map.elems . primeFactors
    solveTestCase a b = numFactors $ gcd a b
    main = getLine >> do
        cases <- map (map read . words) <$> lines <$> getContents
        mapM_ (\[a,b] -> print $ solveTestCase a b) cases