thanks for the link, I had stubbornly been banging my head on this one for quite a while (some days) before checking in here :)

    So if someone else is struggling with their python3 solution here is mine with explanations on what is happening and why.

    To see the sequence of letters just uncomment the lines working on the lcs_letters matrix, it wont pass all tests though

    def commonChild(s1, s2):
        # row 0 = 0, column 0  = 0
        l1 = len(s1)
        l2 = len(s2)
        # we only need history of previous row
        lcs = [[0]*(len(s1)+1) for _ in range(2)]
        #lcs_letters = [['']*(len(s1)+1) for _ in range(2)]
        # i in s1 = i+1 in lcs
        for i in range(l1):
            # get index pointers for current and previous row
            li1 = (i+1)%2
            li = i%2
            # j in s1 = j+1 in lcs
            for j in range(l2):
                # i and j are used to step forward in each string.
                # Now check if s1[i] and s2[j] are equal 
                if s1[i] == s2[j]:
                    # Now we have found one longer sequence 
                    # than what we had previously found.
                    # so add 1 to the length of previous longest
                    # sequence which we could have found at
                    # earliest previous position of each string,
                    # therefore subtract -1 from both i and j
                    lcs[li1][j+1] = (lcs[li][j] + 1) 
                    #lcs_letters[li1][j+1] = lcs_letters[li][j]+s1[li]
                # if not matching pair, then
                # get the biggest previous value
                elif lcs[li1][j] > lcs[li][j+1]:
                    lcs[li1][j+1] = lcs[li1][j] 
                    #lcs_letters[li1][j+1] = lcs_letters[li1][j]
                    lcs[li1][j+1] = lcs[li][j+1] 
                    #lcs_letters[li1][j+1] = lcs_letters[li][j+1]
        return lcs[(i+1)%2][j+1]