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Python3 solution
from collections import Counter n, m, root = map(int, input().split()) uniquenum = dict() multipleset = dict() adj = dict() for _ in range(n - 1): n1, n2 = map(int, input().split()) if n1 in adj: adj[n1].add(n2) else: adj[n1] = set([n2]) if n2 in adj: adj[n2].add(n1) else: adj[n2] = set([n1]) colors = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)] multiples = set(Counter(colors) - Counter(set(colors))) colors.insert(0, 0) totalcolors = len(set(colors[1:])) stack = [root] added = set([root]) visited = set() while len(stack) > 0: node = stack[len(stack) - 1] if node not in visited: visited.add(node) for child in adj[node] - added: stack.append(child) added.add(child) else: if colors[node] in multiples: uniquenum[node] = 0 multipleset[node] = set([colors[node]]) else: uniquenum[node] = 1 multipleset[node] = set() for child in adj[node] - added: uniquenum[node] += uniquenum[child] multipleset[node] |= multipleset[child] stack.pop() added.remove(node) for _ in range(m): node = int(input()) print(uniquenum[node] + len(multipleset[node]))
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Coloring Tree
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Python3 solution