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BFS Solution
static class QueueEntry { int x; int y; int t; int cost; public QueueEntry(int x, int y, int t, int cost) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.t = t; this.cost = cost; } } static int[][] dirs = {{1,0}, {-1,0}, {0,1}, {0,-1}, {0, 0}}; static boolean isMovePossible(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, char move) { return (move == 'U' && x1 == x - 1 && y1 == y) || (move == 'D' && x1 == x + 1 && y1 == y) || (move == 'L' && x1 == x && y1 == y - 1) || (move == 'R' && x1 == x && y1 == y + 1); } public static int coinOnTheTable(int m, int k, List<String> board) { if(board.isEmpty()) { return -1; } int r=0,c=0; int[][] minCost = new int[board.size()][board.get(0).length()]; for(int i=0; i<board.size(); i++) { for(int j=0; j<board.get(i).length(); j++) { minCost[i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (board.get(i).charAt(j) == '*') { r = i; c = j; } } } Queue<QueueEntry> pq = new LinkedList<>(); pq.add(new QueueEntry(0,0,0,0)); minCost[0][0] = 0; while(!pq.isEmpty()) { QueueEntry curr = pq.poll(); char currChar = board.get(curr.x).charAt(curr.y); for(int[] dir: dirs) { int x1 = curr.x + dir[0]; int y1 = curr.y + dir[1]; if(x1>=0 && x1<board.size() && y1>=0 && y1<m && curr.t+1 <= k) { int cost = isMovePossible(curr.x, curr.y, x1, y1, currChar) ? curr.cost : curr.cost + 1; if(cost < minCost[x1][y1]) { pq.add(new QueueEntry(x1, y1, curr.t + 1, cost)); minCost[x1][y1] = cost; } } } } return minCost[r][c] == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : minCost[r][c]; }
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Coin on the Table
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BFS Solution