Hello there, so I have no idea why the code is missing the tests...i was getting an error reggarding the data-testsid but i made them dinamyc but im still missing those test cases, any help pls??

    import React from "react";
    const FeedbackSystem = () => {
      const subjects = ["Readability", "Performance", "Security", "Documentation", "Testing"];
      const [votes, setVotes] = React.useState(subjects.map((s)=>({subject: s, upvotes: 0, downvotes: 0})));
      const handleUpVote = (index) =>{
          const newData = [...prevState];
          newData[index].upvotes +=1;
          return newData
      const handleDownVote = (index) =>{
          const newData = [...prevState];
          newData[index].downvotes +=1;
          return newData
      return (
        <div className="my-0 mx-auto text-center w-mx-1200">
          <div className="flex wrap justify-content-center mt-30 gap-30">
            {subjects.map((subject,index) =>(
              <div key={subject} className="pa-10 w-300 card">
              <div className="flex my-30 mx-0 justify-content-around">
                <button onClick={()=> handleUpVote(index)} className="py-10 px-15" data-testid={`upvote-btn-0-${subject}`}>
                  👍 Upvote
                <button onClick={()=> handleDownVote(index)} className="py-10 px-15 danger" data-testid={`downvote-btn-0-${subject}`}>
                  👎 Downvote
              <p className="my-10 mx-0" data-testid={`upvote-count-0-${subject}`}>
                Upvotes: <strong>{votes[index].upvotes}</strong>
              <p className="my-10 mx-0" data-testid={`downvote-count-0-${subject}`}>
                Downvotes: <strong>{votes[index].downvotes}</strong>
    export default FeedbackSystem;