For something different, here's a parallelizable solution in Java 22, using a Skip List. In theory 𝚯(1) runtime given N processors. (In practice the overhead likely subsumes any gains.)

     * Return the maximum population in a sunny town after
     * removing exactly one cloud.
     * https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/cloudy-day/
     * Fairly simple implementation problem.
     * 1) Represent each town's location in a Skiplist.
     *  If towns share a location, simply treat them as combined.
     * 2) For each cloud, assign towns within range to it.
     * Important: remove any towns already covered by this cloud. This keeps
     * the algorithm runtime linear.
     * 3) Now for each town, group their populations by the cloud covering them.
     * 4) Find the largest group, then add the uncovered towns ("NONE")
     * 𝚯(M + N log N) runtime for M clouds and N towns.
     * 𝚯(M + N) space complexity 
    public static long maximumPeople(List<Long> p, List<Long> x, List<Long> y, List<Long> r) {
        final Cloud NONE = new Cloud(0, 0, -1L);
        // 1) Town -> Cloud
        ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long, Cloud> cover = rangeOf(x.size())
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(x::get, a -> NONE, (a, b) -> a, ConcurrentSkipListMap::new));
        // 2) for each cloud, assign any virgin towns to it. Remove any others.
        rangeOf(y.size()).map(i -> new Cloud(y.get(i), r.get(i), i))
                .forEach(c ->
                    cover.subMap(c.start(), c.end()).forEach((a, b) -> {
                        if (b == NONE) cover.put(a, c);
                        else cover.remove(a);
        // Sum the populations for each cloud.
        Map<Long, Long> popByLocation = rangeOf(x.size()).collect(Collectors.toMap(x::get, p::get, Long::sum));
        Map<Cloud, Long> popByCloud = cover.entrySet().stream()
                    Collectors.summingLong(e -> popByLocation.get(e.getKey())))
        // 3) Now find the cloud with the largest population
        long largest = popByCloud.values().stream().max(Comparator.comparingLong(e -> e)).orElse(0L);
        // 4) Sum it with uncovered towns, if any
        Long uncovered = popByCloud.remove(NONE);
        if(uncovered != null)
            largest += uncovered;
        return largest;
    private record Cloud(long location, long range, long name) {
        long start() { return location - range; }
        long end() { return location + range + 1; } // exclusive
    // helper function for a parallel stream
    private static Stream<Integer> rangeOf(int n) {
        return IntStream.range(0, n).boxed();