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Python 3 - there are more efficient approaches instead of hash table for this specific problem though:
defclosestNumbers(arr):# Sort the arrayarr=sorted(arr)# Create a dictionary to store absolute differencesdifference_dict={}foriinrange(len(arr)-1):difference=abs(arr[i]-arr[i+1])# Store pairs for each unique differenceifdifferencenotindifference_dict:difference_dict[difference]=[]difference_dict[difference].append((arr[i],arr[i+1]))#Storeastuples# Find the minimum absolute differencemin_difference=min(difference_dict.keys())# Get the pairs corresponding to the minimum differenceclosest_pairs=difference_dict[min_difference]# Flatten the closest pairs into a listresult=[numforpairinclosest_pairsfornuminpair]returnlist(set(result))
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Closest Numbers
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Python 3 - there are more efficient approaches instead of hash table for this specific problem though: