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var poistion_array = []
var poistion_dic = {}
var poistion = 1 for (var i = 0; i < ranked.length ; i++){
if ( poistion_dic[ranked[i]] == undefined){ poistion_dic[ranked[i]] = poistion poistion++ }
var previous_index = ranked.length - 1 for (var i = 0; i < player.length; i++){
var flag = true for (var j = previous_index ; j >=0; j--){ previous_index = j if(player[i] < ranked[j]){ poistion_array.push(poistion_dic[ranked[j]] +1) j = -1 flag = false } if(player[i] == ranked[j]){ poistion_array.push(poistion_dic[ranked[j]]) j = -1 flag = false } previous_index } if (flag ){ poistion_array.push(1) }
} console.log(poistion_array) return poistion_array }
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Climbing the Leaderboard
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var poistion_array = []
var poistion_dic = {}
var poistion = 1 for (var i = 0; i < ranked.length ; i++){
var previous_index = ranked.length - 1 for (var i = 0; i < player.length; i++){
} console.log(poistion_array) return poistion_array }