Classes and Objects


    Mine wors in my compiler, but when I put the exact same code in the Hackerank compiler, it gives me the wrong answer. Very bizarre:

    class Student
        std::vector<int> scores{};
        void input()
            // If std::cin buffer has '\n', then clear the buffer
            if (std::cin.peek() == '\n') {
                std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
            std::string str;
            //read input and store it in a string "str", note that this includes the newline character '\n';
            std::getline(std::cin, str); //a way to remove the newline from the string
            std::stringstream iss( str );
            //convert the numbers on the string to an integers and store it as elements of vector str_int
            int score;
            while (iss >> score)
        int calculateTotalScore()
            int total{0};
            for (const auto &num: scores)
                total += num;
            return total;