Circular Palindromes



    import os import sys import random import bisect


    Complete the circularPalindromes function below.

    # def get_len(s, ll, flag): # use flag = 0 for odd number of letters in palindrome, 1 for even maxlen = 1 l1 = ll - 2 l2 = ll + 1 + flag while l1>=0 and l2 < len(s) and s[l1] == s[l2]: maxlen += 1 l1 -= 1 l2 += 1 return 2*maxlen + flag

    def max_pal(s): # find the length of the longest palindrome in s ls = len(s) maxlen = 1 for ll in range(1, ls): if s[ll-1] == s[ll]: newlen = get_len(s, ll, 0) if newlen > maxlen: maxlen = newlen for ll in range(1, ls-1): if s[ll-1] == s[ll+1]: newlen = get_len(s, ll, 1) if newlen > maxlen: maxlen = newlen return maxlen

    def get_len_round_fast(slist, ll, lens): ls = len(slist) if ls == 1: return (slist[0][1], slist[0][2]) start = slist[ll][1] end = slist[ll][2] l1 = ll - 1 l2 = ll + 1 notdone = True while notdone and (end - start) lmax: lgth2 = lmax//2 notdone = False end+= lgth2 start -= lgth2 l1 -= 1 l2 += 1

    print(l1, l2)

    return (start, end)

    def compress_string(s): # replaces strings of contiguous identical characters with (char, #) pairs # where # is the end of the string sequence ls = [] cc = '.' start = 0 for ss in range(len(s)):
    if s[ss] != cc: # new char ls.append((cc, start, ss)) start = ss cc = s[ss] ls.append((cc, start, len(s))) # append the last characters encountered ls.pop(0) # first value is a throwaway one if ls[0][0] == ls[-1][0]: # stitch the ends, move the start of sequence before 0 ls[0] = (ls[0][0], ls[-1][1]-len(s), ls[0][2]) ls.pop() # remove last element, now that it is combined with the first return ls

    def make_pal_dict(slist, lens): ls = len(slist) dict1 = {} list1 = [] for ll in range(ls): (start, stop) = get_len_round_fast(slist, ll, lens)

    print(ll, start, stop)

        lgth = stop - start
        if lgth > 1:
            if start < 0:
                start, stop = start+lens, stop+lens
            if lgth in dict1:
                dict1[lgth].append((start, stop))
                dict1[lgth]= [(start, stop)]
                bisect.insort(list1, lgth)
    for (_, start, stop) in slist:
        lgth = stop - start
        if lgth > 1:
            if start < 0:
                start, stop = start+lens, stop+lens
            if lgth in dict1:
                if (start, stop) in dict1[lgth]:
                    dict1[lgth].remove((start, stop))
                dict1[lgth].append((-start, -stop))
                dict1[lgth]= [(-start, -stop)]
                bisect.insort(list1, lgth)        
    return (dict1, list1)

    def cp(s): ls = len(s) slist = compress_string(s)


    (dict1, list1) = make_pal_dict(slist, ls)

    print(dict1, list1)

    maxes = [] # value for k = 0
    ll = len(list1)-1 # start here to look for longest palindrome 
    for k in range(ls):
        maxlgth = 1 
        done = False
        ks = k + ls
        for ind in range(ll, -1, -1): # go backwards through list of lengths
            if done: # max value already reached for a longer word
            lgth = list1[ind]
            if lgth < maxlgth: # only shorter words available past here
            for (start, stop) in dict1[lgth]:
                if start<=0 and stop <= 0: # same chars, no need to cut palindrome at both ends

    print(start, stop, k)

                    if -start <= k < -stop:
                        lgth1 = max(-stop - k, k+start) 
                        lgth1 = lgth
                    if -start < ks <= -stop:
                        lgth2 = max(ks + start, -stop - ks)
                        lgth2 = lgth
                    #print(lgth1, lgth2)

    print(lgth, maxlgth, k, start, stop)

                    if start <= k <= stop:
                        lgth1 = abs(start+stop-k-k)
                        lgth1 = lgth
                    if start <= ks <= stop:
                        lgth2 = abs(start+stop-ks-ks)
                        lgth2 = lgth
                if lgth1 > lgth2:
                    lgth1 = lgth2
                if maxlgth < lgth1:
                    maxlgth = lgth1


                if lgth1 == lgth:
                    done = True

    print("k=", k, "ml=", maxlgth)

    return maxes

    def circularPalindromes(s): # # Write your code here. # debug = 0 if debug == 0: return cp(s) elif debug == 1: for ii in range(1000): s = "" for jj in range(10): s += chr(97 + random.randrange(0, 26)) r1 = cp(s) r = cp_gold(s) if r1 != r: print(r1, "should be", r, "for", s) return [1, 1, 1] elif debug == 2: return cp_gold(s) else: (dict1, list1) = make_pal_list(s) print(dict1, list1) return cp_gold(s)

    def rotate_s(s, val): val = val % len(s) return s[val:]+s[:val]

    def cp_gold(s): # # Write your code here. # ls = len(s) maxes = [max_pal(s)] for ll in range(1, ls): s = rotate_s(s, 1) maxes.append(max_pal(s)) return maxes **python solution ** passes all test cases *

    if name == 'main': fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')

    n = int(input())
    s = input()
    result = circularPalindromes(s)
    fptr.write('\n'.join(map(str, result)))