I have coded the following (naive) O(n^2) solution code below. (Sorry HackerRank people for posting code, I'll not do it again :-) ) It passes only a few test cases and times out as I expected on others. Can anyone see a problem with the logic?


    using namespace std;

    typedef unsigned int ui; typedef unsigned long long ull; ull MOD = 1e9+7;

    int main () { ui N, K; ull sum = 0, max; cin >> N >> K; vector balls (N, 0); for (ull i = 0; i < N; i++) { cin >> balls[i]; } sort(balls.begin(), balls.end()); for (ull i = 0; K > 1 && i < N; i++) { for (ull j = i+K-1; j < N; j++) {
    sum += balls[j] - balls[i] % MOD; sum %= MOD; } } cout << sum << endl; return 0; }