Chessboard Game, Again!

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    A good one . If You understand grandy theorem of game theory , then it is very easy for you to solve recursively .When our possible moves from a co-ordinate of chess-board has been given .We can compute grandy-value recursively using the help of memoization .

    My full solution here!.cpp

    Here is the part of my code to compute grandy value of every co-ordinate by given input .

    int sg(int x,int y)
            return 0;
    /// (1,1) it is base case ,because from here there is no move,so grandy value of this state is zero
        if(grandy_value[x][y]!=-1) /// if grandy value is already computed just return it , no need to calculate it
            return grandy_value[x][y];
        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
            int newx=x+dx[i];
            int newy=y+dy[i];
            if(newx>=1&&newy>=1&&newx<=15&&newy<=15)///if newx and newy is beyond (1,1) then this recursion will be recursively run ,there is no end .So (1,1) should be the terminal point
        int mex=0;
        while(s.find(mex)!=s.end()) mex++;
        grandy_value[x][y]=mex;///assigning mex [not included minimum element in the set of grandy value of possible co-ordinates]
        return grandy_value[x][y];/// return grandy_value