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    If you know Zeckendorf representation it's kind of trivial.

    def solve(a):
        fib = [1,2]
        for _ in range(100): fib.append(fib[-2]+fib[-1])
        def zeck(n): # Zeckendorf representation
            if n > fib[-1]: raise ValueError('Out of range')
            ret = ''
            for f in reversed(fib):
                if n >= f:
                    ret += '1'
                    n -= f
                    ret += '0'
            return ret.lstrip('0')
        ret = 0
        for _ in a: ret ^= int(zeck(_),2)
        return ret % (10**9+7) 

    Hardest part was realizing that my time outs was because their java code for I/O wasn't fast enough, so I had to write my own, smh.


    The fastest way - not to use power of 2 at all:

    static int solve(IEnumerable<long> a)
        ulong[] fib = new ulong[100]; fib[0] = 1; fib[1] = 2;
        int i = 2;
        ulong max = (ulong)a.Max(), nextFib = 3;
        // fill out fibonachi seq
        while (nextFib <= max) { nextFib = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2]; fib[i++] = nextFib; }
        // fill out bitwise future result
        var pow2 = a.Aggregate(Enumerable.Repeat(false, i).ToArray(), (xor, next)=> { zen(fib, xor, (ulong)next); return xor; });
        i = pow2.Length;
        ulong ret = 0;
        int idx = 0;
        ulong pow2_60_mod1000000007 = 536_396_504, mod = 1; // = 2^60 mod 1000000007, 2^61%1000000007=(536_396_504*2)%1000000007
        while (i > 0)
            ret = (ret + mod*(Convert.ToUInt64(string.Join("", pow2.Skip((idx++) * 60).Take(60).Reverse().Select(b=>b?"1":"0")), 2)%1000000007)%1000000007)%1000000007;
            mod = (mod * pow2_60_mod1000000007) % 1000000007;
            i -= 60;
        return (int)ret; // pow2.Aggregate((ulong)0, (ret, next)=>(ret + poq2mod(pow2[i], ref i))%1000000007);
    private static void zen(ulong[] fibs, bool[] pow2, ulong next)
        if (next < 1) return;
        int idx = fibs.TakeWhile(n => n <= next && n > 0).Count();
            if(fibs[--idx] <= next)
                pow2[idx] = !pow2[idx];
                next -= fibs[idx];
        while (next > 0);

    Then you have just an array of bits for idx of pow 2...


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    Python3 code

    # The XOR is simple enough. The trick is that they haven't given us the
    # numbers to XOR, but their position in the list. To find the actual
    # numbers, determine the number of numbers up to N bits long in the list.
    # Count 0, since we can add any new bit to zero.
    # Then there are 2 numbers with up to 1 bit, 3 with up to 2 bits, etc.
    # To add the numbers with N bits, add the number of numbers with N-2 bits
    # or less to the previous total (the numbers for N-1 bits).
    # The result is the fibonacci sequence, since I just keep adding the last
    # two numbers. And so the number I want is the Zeckendorf representation
    # of the given index, reinterpreted as binary (repeatedly subtracting the
    # largest Fibonacci number available from the index)
    # I've got one case here that is failing, probably just barely failing the time limit.
    # Let's try precalculating the powers as the small speedup needed.
    def zeck(n):
        res = 0
        for i in range(f - 1, -1, -1):
            if n >= fib[i]:
                n -= fib[i]
                res += p2[i]
        return res
    n = int(input())
    nums = list(map(int, input().strip().split()))
    fib = [1, 2, 3]
    while fib[-1] < 10 ** 18:
        fib.append(fib[-1] + fib[-2])
    f = len(fib)
    p2 = []
    for j in range(f):
        p2.append(2 ** j)
    modulus = 10 ** 9 + 7
    sol = 0
    for j in range(n):
        sol = sol ^ zeck(nums[j])
    print(sol % modulus)