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Java solution:
public static boolean isLower(char c){ return c >= 97 && c <= 122; } public static boolean isUpper(char c){ return c >= 65 && c <= 90; } public static String caesarCipher(String s, int k) { String encrypted_text = ""; int n = s.length(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ char c = s.charAt(i); if(isUpper(c)) c = (char)( ( ( ( (int)c - 65) + k) % 26) + 65) ; else if(isLower(c)) c = (char)( ( ( ( (int)c - 97) + k) % 26) + 97) ; encrypted_text += c; } return encrypted_text; }
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Caesar Cipher
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Java solution: