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public static int boardCutting(List<Integer> cost_y, List<Integer> cost_x) { // Write your code here long minCost = 0; Collections.sort(cost_y, Comparator.reverseOrder()); Collections.sort(cost_x, Comparator.reverseOrder()); long hp = 1; long vp = 1; int hi = 0; int vi = 0; while(hi < cost_y.size() && vi < cost_x.size()){ if(cost_y.get(hi) > cost_x.get(vi)){ minCost = minCost + vp*cost_y.get(hi); hp++; hi++; } else { minCost = minCost + hp*cost_x.get(vi); vi++; vp++; } } while(hi < cost_y.size()){ minCost = minCost + vp*cost_y.get(hi); hi++; } while(vi< cost_x.size()){ minCost = minCost + hp*cost_x.get(vi); vi++; } return (int)(minCost%1000000007); }
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Cutting Boards
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