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Bit Array
Bit Array
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303 Discussions
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the pseudo code is wrong:
a[0] = S (modulo 2^31) for i = 1 to N-1 a[i] = a[i-1]*P+Q (modulo 2^31)
The loop must be in C++: for (i = 1; i <= N; ++i)
I tested the output for the following input using a std::set 100000000 1232077670 126810854 1536183938 The website claims 26 but I'm getting 27. Giving up!
the turnaround time is problematic as one always has to scroll with the mouse and click to get back to the code.
For the input of 100000000 569099406 1607140150 823906344 I'm getting output 32 and this website claims 31. I used sort -u |wc -l and 32 is correct. BTW nowhere is being stated what type the array should be!
How does one search in this editor?