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    import os

    def squared_distance(biker, bike): return (biker[0] - bike[0]) ** 2 + (biker[1] - bike[1]) ** 2

    def bikeRacers(bikers, bikes, k): # Generate all unique squared distances between bikers and bikes distances = [] for biker in bikers: for bike in bikes: dist = squared_distance(biker, bike) distances.append(dist) distances = sorted(set(distances)) # Unique sorted distances

    # Binary search on the possible distances
    left, right = 0, len(distances) - 1
    while left < right:
        mid = (left + right) // 2
        max_dist = distances[mid]
        # Check if we can match `k` bikers with `k` bikes within this max_dist
        if can_match_with_distance(bikers, bikes, k, max_dist):
            right = mid  # Try a smaller maximum distance
            left = mid + 1  # Try a larger maximum distance
    return distances[left]

    def can_match_with_distance(bikers, bikes, k, max_dist): n, m = len(bikers), len(bikes) graph = [[] for _ in range(n)]

    # Create bipartite graph edges within max_dist
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            if squared_distance(bikers[i], bikes[j]) <= max_dist:
    # Bipartite matching using DFS
    matched_bikes = [-1] * m
    def dfs(biker, visited):
        for bike in graph[biker]:
            if not visited[bike]:
                visited[bike] = True
                if matched_bikes[bike] == -1 or dfs(matched_bikes[bike], visited):
                    matched_bikes[bike] = biker
                    return True
        return False
    match_count = 0
    for biker in range(n):
        visited = [False] * m
        if dfs(biker, visited):
            match_count += 1
        if match_count >= k:
            return True
    return False

    Input Handling

    if name == 'main': fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')

    first_multiple_input = input().rstrip().split()
    n = int(first_multiple_input[0])
    m = int(first_multiple_input[1])
    k = int(first_multiple_input[2])
    bikers = [tuple(map(int, input().rstrip().split())) for _ in range(n)]
    bikes = [tuple(map(int, input().rstrip().split())) for _ in range(m)]
    result = bikeRacers(bikers, bikes, k)
    fptr.write(str(result) + '\n')
    > **#include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    long long *array;
    int cmp(const void *a, const void *b){
        long long ia = *(long long *)a;
        long long ib = *(long long *)b;
        return array[ia] < array[ib] ? -1 : array[ia] > array[ib];
    int isValid(int mbikes, int nmen, int k, int z, long long index[]);
    int main() {
        //find the k shortes edges "in the bipartite graph" between men & bikes
        //performance metric is the max distance among the k pairs
        //this is a min max problem, minimizing the max distance
        int nmen,mbikes,kspots;
        scanf("%d %d %d",&nmen,&mbikes,&kspots);
        long men[nmen][2], bikes[mbikes][2];
        for(int i=0;i<nmen;i++){scanf("%ld %ld",&men[i][0],&men[i][1]);}
        for(int i=0;i<mbikes;i++){scanf("%ld %ld",&bikes[i][0],&bikes[i][1]);}
        long long d,dists[mbikes*nmen];
        for(int i=0;i<mbikes;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<nmen;j++){
        //sort distances, only really need k smallest from each bike
        //discard those that are larger (but not those that are equal)
        long long index[mbikes*nmen];//use malloc to large size array
        for(long i=0;i<mbikes*nmen;i++){index[i] = i;}
        array = dists;
        qsort(index, mbikes*nmen, sizeof(*index), cmp);
        //for(long i=0;i<mbikes*nmen;i++){printf("%lld ",dists[index[i]]);} printf("\n");
        int last=kspots;   
        //do binary search to find out minimum dist that allows a valid assignment
        int left=0, right=mbikes*nmen, width=mbikes*nmen, mid;
            width/=2; mid=(left+right)/2; 
            //printf("Check %d\n",mid);
            if(!isValid(mbikes,nmen,kspots,mid,index)){ left=mid; }
        for (int j=left;j<right;j++){
            //printf("Check %d\n",j);
            if(isValid(mbikes,nmen,kspots,j,index)) {last=j;break;}
        return 0;
    #define WHITE 0
    #define GRAY 1
    #define BLACK 2
    #define MAX_NODES 1000
    #define oo 1000000000
    int n;  // number of nodes
    int e;  // number of edges
    int capacity[MAX_NODES][MAX_NODES]; // capacity matrix
    int flow[MAX_NODES][MAX_NODES];     // flow matrix
    int color[MAX_NODES]; // needed for breadth-first search               
    int pred[MAX_NODES];  // array to store augmenting path
    int max_flow (int source, int sink);
    int isValid(int mbikes, int nmen, int k, int z, long long index[]){
        //check if we can pick k unique row/col pairs among the first z
        //this is a matching of cardinality k in the bipartite ii-jj graph
        if(z<k) return 0;
        //capacity rows 0-249, cols 250-499, source as 500, sink as 501
        for(int i=0;i<500;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<500;j++){capacity[i][j]=0;}
        for(int i=0;i<250;i++){capacity[500][i]=1;}
        for(int i=0;i<250;i++){capacity[250+i][501]=1;}
        for(int i=0;i<z;i++){
            int ii=index[i]/nmen;
            int jj=index[i]%nmen;
        n=502; e=z+2; 
        int maxflow=max_flow(500,501);
        //printf("Max flow for z= %d\n",maxflow);
        if(maxflow>=k) return 1;
        else return 0;
    // below follows Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for max matching via max flow
    int min (int x, int y) {
        return x<y ? x : y;  // returns minimum of x and y
    int head,tail;
    int q[MAX_NODES+2];
    void enqueue(int x){q[tail] = x; tail++; color[x] = GRAY;}
    int dequeue(){int x = q[head]; head++; color[x] = BLACK; return x;}
    int bfs (int start, int target) {
        int u,v;
        for (u=0; u<n; u++) { color[u] = WHITE; }   
        head = tail = 0;
        pred[start] = -1;
        while (head!=tail) {
            u = dequeue();
            // Search all adjacent white nodes v. If the capacity
            // from u to v in the residual network is positive, enqueue v.
            for (v=0; v<n; v++) {
                if (color[v]==WHITE && capacity[u][v]-flow[u][v]>0) {
                    enqueue(v); pred[v] = u;
        // If the color of the target node is black now, it means that we reached it.
        return color[target]==BLACK;
    int max_flow (int source, int sink) {
        int i,j,u;
        // Initialize empty flow.
        int max_flow = 0;
        for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
            for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
                flow[i][j] = 0;
        // While there exists an augmenting path, increment the flow along this path.
        while (bfs(source,sink)) {
            // Determine the amount by which we can increment the flow.
            int increment = oo;
            for (u=n-1; pred[u]>=0; u=pred[u]) {
                increment = min(increment,capacity[pred[u]][u]-flow[pred[u]][u]);
            // Now increment the flow.
            for (u=n-1; pred[u]>=0; u=pred[u]) {
                flow[pred[u]][u] += increment; flow[u][pred[u]] -= increment;
            max_flow += increment;
        // No augmenting path anymore. We are done.
        return max_flow;
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    Here is my solution in java, javascript, python, C, C++, Csharp HackerRank Bike Racers Problem Solution


    Here is the solution of Bike Racers Click Here