Minimum Penalty Path Discussions | Algorithms | HackerRank
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    It can be solved pretty easily by using brute force since the maximum edge cost is pretty small (1023).

    The key observation to make is that the answer lies between 1 and 1023, if there is a path from A to B, otherwise -1. So you can just test if it's possible to get from A to B with a cost of 1, 2, 3, ... up to 1023. So all that is left is to create a graph where the OR of all its edges results to the cost you are testing for.

    public static int beautifulPath(List<List<int>> edges, int A, int B)
    	var edgesGroupedByCost = new List<(int U, int V)>[1024];
    	for (var c = 0; c < 1024; ++c) {
    		edgesGroupedByCost[c] = new();
    	foreach (var edge in edges) {
    		var u = edge[0] - 1;
    		var v = edge[1] - 1;
    		var c = edge[2];
    		edgesGroupedByCost[c].Add((u, v));
    	var ds = new DS(1000);
    	for (var r = 1; r < 1024; ++r) {
    		for (var c = 1; c < 1024; ++c) {
    			if ((r | c) == r) {
    				foreach (var (u, v) in edgesGroupedByCost[c]) {
    					ds.Union(u, v);
    		if (ds.Find(A) == ds.Find(B)) {
    			return r;
    	return -1;

    I used a disjoinct set data structure to see if A and B are connected in the resulting graph but I'm pretty sure just doing a DFS from A to see if you can reach B works too.