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1747 Discussions



    Simple Java Solution

    class Result {
         * Complete the 'beautifulDays' function below.
         * The function is expected to return an INTEGER.
         * The function accepts following parameters:
         *  1. INTEGER i
         *  2. INTEGER j
         *  3. INTEGER k
        public static int beautifulDays(int i, int j, int k) {
        // Write your code here
        int total = 0;
        for(;i<=j; i++)
            int temp = i;
            int rev = 0;
            while(temp != 0)
                int lst = temp%10;
                temp = temp / 10;
                rev = rev * 10 + lst;
            int diff = Math.abs(i - rev);
            if(diff % k == 0)
        return total;

    "Beautiful Days at the Movies" reminds me of the excitement and anticipation for the upcoming Geometry Dash 2.2 APK! Just like a great movie captivates its audience, the new update promises thrilling features, fresh levels, and cinematic gameplay moments. Have you been keeping an eye on what’s coming in 2.2?


    Here is my Python solution! We check all the days and if the absolute value between the day and the reversed day is divisible by k, we add 1 to the amount of beautiful days.

    def beautifulDays(i, j, k):
        beautiful = 0
        for day in range(i, j + 1):
            if abs(day - int("".join(list(reversed(str(day)))))) % k == 0:
                beautiful += 1
        return beautiful

    Hi There!!!!

    Beautiful days at the movies are a perfect way to unwind, and Lily’s game adds a fun twist to deciding which day to go. By finding days where the difference between the day’s number and its reverse is evenly divisible by a given number, she marks those as beautiful days. This thoughtful approach makes each movie experience feel special and well-timed. For anyone looking to make their movie days even more enjoyable, explore for a seamless and captivating movie-watching experience. All the best!


    Here is my c++ solution, you can watch the explanation here :

    int beautifulDays(int i, int j, int k) {
        int ans = 0;
        for(int el = i; el <= j; el++){
            string s = to_string(el);
            reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
            if(abs(stoi(s) -el ) % k == 0) ans++;
        return ans;