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# python3 import re f = open('dictionary.lst', 'r') data = f.close() words = data.split() wordmap = {} for word in words: length = len(word) sub = wordmap.get(length, {}) wordmap[length] = sub gen = '' for c in word: if c not in gen: gen += c key = [0] * length for i, c in enumerate(word): key[i] = gen.index(c) key = ' '.join([str(k) for k in key]) arr = sub.get(key, []) sub[key] = arr arr.append(word) alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' cypher = ['.'] * 26 data = input() enc = data.split() test = enc[:] def cycle(): global test, cypher, alpha, wordmap for word in test: length = len(word) gen = '' for c in word: if c not in gen: gen += c key = [0] * length pattern = '' for i, c in enumerate(word): key[i] = gen.index(c) try: j = cypher.index(c) pattern += alpha[j] except: pattern += '.' key = ' '.join([str(k) for k in key]) matches = wordmap[length][key] copy = [] for match in matches: if re.fullmatch(pattern, match): copy.append(match) matches = copy if len(matches) == 1: test.remove(word) match = matches[0] for i in range(length): x = alpha.index(match[i]) cypher[x] = word[i] i = len(test) while True: cycle() j = len(test) if i == j: break i = j cypher = ''.join(cypher) out = [' '] * len(data) for i, c in enumerate(data): if c is not ' ': out[i] = alpha[cypher.index(c)] print(''.join(out))
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Basic Cryptanalysis
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