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Remove the First Capital Letter from Each Element
Remove the First Capital Letter from Each Element
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My solution: #!/bin/bash
while read -r entrada; do array+=("$entrada") done
echo ${array[@]/[a-zA-Z]/.}
replace_char_at_position() { local cadena="2" local nuevo_caracter="{cadena:0:posicion}{cadena:((posicion + 1))} " } count=() aux=() while read n do count+=({count[@]}; do replace_char_at_position {aux[@]}"
Declare an array to hold the country names
Read countries from input (one per line)
while IFS= read -r line; do countries+=("$line") done
Initialize an array for transformed names
Loop through each country name in the array
for country in "{country/[A-Z]/.}" transformed+=("$transformed_name") done
Join the transformed names with a space and print the result
echo "${transformed[*]}"
Very easy first replacement then adding seperator and put in one line:
sed "s/([A-Z])/./1" | paste -s -d " "