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Filter an Array with Patterns
Filter an Array with Patterns
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This one line worked very well
sed -e '/a/d' -e '/A/d'
This one line worked very well
sed -e '/a/d' -e '/A/d'
p=(${a[@]/* a */})
echo ${p[@]}
i set the input as array a
then i edited array a into a new array p, removing all instances of "a", as well as the characters before and after "a". (remove the spaces in * a *)
then i used echo to show me the new array p
does this one make sense
This was my solution> #!/bin/bash
i=10 i2=0 array1=()
while ((i));do read dato array1=("dato") #echo "((i2+1)) done
declare -a patter=(${array1[@]/[a-zA-Z]a/})
echo ${patter[@]}
Mostly simple, but not the correct way