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there cannot be more than n leaves, and hence cannot be more than 2n nodes in a full binary tree, and n is of order 10^4 so it can be brute forced
simple BFS, no dynamic programming, O(n*log(n))
int decision(int i, int j, const vector<long>& sum) { if (i == j or (sum[j] - sum[i-1])%2 == 1) return -1; auto it = lower_bound(sum.begin()+i, sum.begin()+j+1, (sum[j]+sum[i-1])/2); if (*it == (sum[j]+sum[i-1])/2) return it - sum.begin(); else return -1; } int arraySplitting(vector<int> arr) { int score = 0; queue<vector<int>> Q; vector<long> sum = {0}; Q.push({1, (int)arr.size(), 0}); for (int i=0; i < arr.size(); i++) sum.push_back(sum.back()+arr[i]); while (!Q.empty()) { int index = decision(Q.front()[0], Q.front()[1], sum); if (index != -1) { Q.push({Q.front()[0], index, Q.front()[2]+1}); Q.push({index+1, Q.front()[1], Q.front()[2]+1}); score = max(score, Q.front()[2]+1); } Q.pop(); } return score; }
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Nikita and the Game
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there cannot be more than n leaves, and hence cannot be more than 2n nodes in a full binary tree, and n is of order 10^4 so it can be brute forced
simple BFS, no dynamic programming, O(n*log(n))