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Array and simple queries
Array and simple queries
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7 test case doesnt pass due to time limit exceeded
can anybody help in optimizing the below code in javascript? Some test cases are getting timed out.
input = input.split('\n'); let queriesArr = input.splice(2,input.length - 2); let inputArr = input[1].split(' '); let tempArr = []; queriesArr.forEach((element)=>{ let queryType = element.split(' ')[0]; let i = parseInt(element.split(' ')[1]); let j = parseInt(element.split(' ')[2]); tempArr = inputArr.splice(i-1,j-i+1); if(queryType === '1') { inputArr = [...tempArr,...inputArr]; } if(queryType === '2') { inputArr = [...inputArr,...tempArr]; } })
let absoluteValue = Math.abs(inputArr[0] - inputArr[inputArr.length - 1]); let allElements = inputArr.join(" "); console.log(absoluteValue + "\n" + allElements);
c++ style:
I have a question First I wrote this code which times out
Then I found this code and it works! Is it because of array module or something?
I also faced same issue . And later i realised it better to use array here : 1) since number of elements is very large (10^5) 2) arrays can store data very compactly 3) arrays data structure offer more efficient storage AND code runs fine without os module
c solution...
// Treap without rotating operations struct Node { struct Node *left, *right; int data; int pri; // priority of this Treap Node int size; // Order Statistic Tree, used for relocating elements }; typedef struct Node Node;
inline Node* new_Node(int v) { Node* node = (Node*) malloc(sizeof(Node)); node->left = node->right = NULL; node->data = v; node->pri = rand(); node->size = 1; return node; }
inline int Node_get_size(Node* node) { if (node) return node->size; return 0; }
// Merge lt & rt, lt must be on the left-side of rt Node* merge(Node* lt, Node* rt) { if (lt == NULL && rt == NULL) return NULL;
// split k nodes to the returned tree from *ref_tree // *ref_tree will be modified during splitting // as a result, splitted_tree will have k nodes // and ref_tree will have (n-k) nodes Node split(Node** ref_tree, int k) { Node* tree = *ref_tree;
// print the inorder traversal of the Treap void print_inorder(Node* root) { if (!root) return; print_inorder(root->left); printf("%d ", root->data); print_inorder(root->right); }
int main() { srand(clock());