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Append and Delete
Append and Delete
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Found a peculiar solution I though I would share:
Comment 1
Calculate the length of the substing of s (starting at the beggining of s) which we do not need to change because it is the same as the corresponding substring of t.
Comment 2
If k >= len(t) + len(s) the answer is always yes because we can delete all the letters of s, continue deleting the empty string if k > len(t) + len(s) and then add the elements of t
Comment 3
min_ops = len(t) + len(s) - 2*i calculates the minimum number of operations needed to transform s to t. If min_ops > k the answer is no. If min_ops = k the answer is yes. If min_ops < k, the answer is yes if the remaining operations are an even number. In this case, after transforming s we would use the remaining number of operations to add and delete an item (or vice versa) until we use all of k.
My Java 8 solution:
This is my solution. It's in python. It's probably a bit over complicated but I'll post it anyway
def appendAndDelete(s, t, k):
Simple C++ solution with the concepts involucred.
My JAVA Solution: