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    python solution

    def solve(V): n = len(V) # instead of turning, the ants can be seen to pass each other # so they simply go around and around. # in each direction go about half of them, # meeting the other half 2 times a round, 2x hello in a meeting # 1 round is 10_000 sec, 10**9 sec is 10**5 rounds meets = (n//2) * (n-n//2) * 2 * 2 * 10**5 # now what about the last 6 sec? => must maximize meetings here # 6 sec is 0.6 m per ant, that is ants can only meet if adjacent V.sort() for pos in range(n): if (V[pos]-V[pos-1])%1000 > 1: break run = 0 for i in range(pos, pos+n): if (V[i%n]-V[(i-1)%n])%1000 == 1: run += 1 else: meets += (run+1)//2 * 2 run = 0 else: if run: meets += (run+1)//2 * 2 return meets


    Most solutions (and even the editorial) are not fully correct, because they ignore this case:
    If there are ants on positions 999 and 0 (distance 1 over ends of intervall) the algorithms may give wrong results, e.g : the algos find one pair (0,1), not two pairs (1,2), (999,0) .
    (see also post of ygrinev below).

    Clumsy but correct solution:

    def solve(V):
        n = len(V)
        # instead of turning, the ants can be seen to pass each other
        # so they simply go around and around. 
        # in each direction go about half of them,
        #   meeting the other half 2 times a round, 2x hello in a meeting
        # 1 round is 10_000 sec, 10**9 sec is 10**5 rounds
        meets = (n//2) * (n-n//2) * 2 * 2 * 10**5
        # now what about the last 6 sec? => must maximize meetings here
        # 6 sec is 0.6 m per ant, that is ants can only meet if adjacent
        for pos in range(n): 
            if (V[pos]-V[pos-1])%1000 > 1: break
        run = 0
        for i in range(pos, pos+n):
            if (V[i%n]-V[(i-1)%n])%1000 == 1:
                run += 1
                meets += (run+1)//2 * 2
                run = 0
            if run: meets += (run+1)//2 * 2
        return meets

    public static int solve(List V) { int n=V.size(),c=0; int x = 2*n/2*(n-n/2)*100000; Collections.sort(V);

    for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++)
        if(V.get(i+1)-V.get(i) == 1)
    if(V.get(n-1) - V.get(0) == 1)
    return x*2; 



    Not clear: if V[n-1] is 999 and V[0] is 0 would the following be wrong:

    if(V[n-1]-V[0]==1) c++;

    Simple case {0, 999}, the answer should be 40000002, but it is 40000000 !

  • + 1 comment

    Explanation goes:

    let we have n ants. We have to maximize the Hi among them so We have to divide them equally into two groups n*(n-n/2). Now Comes the main part We have Time= (10^9 + 6), so we will find the Encounter of ants only for 10^9 initially afterwords we count for 6. so
    Speed = 0.1 m/s ,
    Length of Track = 1000,
    so Time taken by ants to complete
    one cycle = 1000/0.1 = 10000.
    Total Time = 10^9
    Number of Cycles = 10^9/10^4 = 10^5
    Total Encounters = Number of Cycle * n*(n-n/2);

    Now Came The Second Part:

    The rest 6 sec. if the distance between 2 ants is <6*0.1*2 then Only there will be Encounter. so we Wil iterate through the initial Position of ants and check that whether Two ants are standing <1.2m distance or not, it they increase the Encounter +1;

    PS. Sort the Array and Check the last index and the first index are also at the distance less than 1.2 , then increase the Counter;

    Finally Return the total Encounter * 2 as in One Encounter there will be Two Hi

    Implementation in Cpp:

    nt solve(vector<int> V) {
        int n=V.size(),c=0;
        int x = 2*n/2*(n-n/2)*100000;
        for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++)
        return x*2; 