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func isSorted(arr: [Int]) -> Bool { for index in 1 ... arr.count - 1 { if arr[index] < arr[index - 1] { return false } } return true } func reverseIt(arr: [Int], startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) -> [Int] { let slicedArr: [Int] = Array(arr[startIndex ... endIndex]) var arrTemp: [Int] = arr var index = slicedArr.count - 1 while(index > -1) { arrTemp[startIndex + ((slicedArr.count - 1) - index)] = slicedArr[index] index -= 1 } return arrTemp } func almostSorted(arr: [Int]) -> Void { // Write your code here var dict: [Int: Bool] = [:] var arrTemp: [Int] = arr var lastTrend: Bool? var resultWording: String = "" var decreaseIndex: [Int] = [Int]() var decreaseCount: Int = 0 var increaseCount: Int = 0 for index in 0 ... arr.count - 2 { let currElement: Int = arr[index] let nextElement: Int = arr[index + 1] let isUp: Bool = nextElement > currElement if (lastTrend != nil && lastTrend != isUp) || lastTrend == nil { dict[index + 1] = isUp lastTrend = isUp } } var arrayDict = dict.sorted(by: { $0.key < $1.key }) if arrayDict.count == 1 && arrayDict.first!.value { print("yes") return } for index in 0 ... arrayDict.count - 1 { if !arrayDict[index].value { decreaseCount += 1 decreaseIndex.append(arrayDict[index].key) } if arrayDict[index].value { increaseCount += 1 } if decreaseCount == 1 { arrTemp.swapAt(arrayDict[index].key - 1, arrayDict[index].key) resultWording = "yes\nswap \(arrayDict[index].key) \(arrayDict[index].key + 1)" } if decreaseCount == 2 { arrTemp.swapAt(decreaseIndex.first! - 1, decreaseIndex.last!) resultWording = "yes\nswap \(decreaseIndex.first!) \(decreaseIndex.last! + 1)" } if isSorted(arr: arrTemp) { print(resultWording) return } if increaseCount == 2 { arrTemp = reverseIt(arr: arr, startIndex: decreaseIndex.first! - 1, endIndex: arrayDict[index].key - 1) resultWording = "yes\nreverse \(decreaseIndex.first!) \(arrayDict[index].key)" if isSorted(arr: arrTemp) { print(resultWording) return } } arrTemp = arr } print("no") }
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Almost Sorted
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