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class LRUCache: public Cache{ public: LRUCache(int c){cp = c; tail = nullptr; head = nullptr;} virtual void set(int key, int value) override{ map::iterator it = mp.find(key); Node* node = nullptr; if(it == mp.end()){ node =new Node(nullptr, head, key, value); if(mp.size() >= cp){ tail = tail->prev; tail->next->prev = nullptr; mp.erase(tail->next->key); delete tail->next; tail->next = nullptr; }else{ } if(tail == nullptr) tail = node; if(head) head->prev = node; head = node; mp[key] = node; }else{ it->second->value = value; node = it->second; if(node != head){ if(head->next == tail){ /* replace the order for head and tail*/ head = head->next; tail = tail->prev; tail->next = nullptr; head->prev = nullptr; head->next = tail; tail->prev = head; }else{ if(node == tail){ /* put the tail as a head*/ tail = tail->prev; tail->next = nullptr; node->prev = nullptr; node->next = head; head->prev = node; head = node; }else{ /* put the middle node as a head*/ node->prev->next = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; node->next = head; node->prev = nullptr; head->prev = node; head = node; } } }else{ /* no change in order*/ } } }
virtual int get(int key)override{ int value = -1; map<int,Node*>::iterator it = mp.find(key); if(it != mp.end()){ value = it->second->value; Node* node = it->second; if(node != head){ if(head->next == tail){ /* replace the order for head and tail*/ head = head->next; tail = tail->prev; tail->next = nullptr; head->prev = nullptr; head->next = tail; tail->prev = head; }else{ if(node == tail){ /* put the tail as a head*/ tail = tail->prev; tail->next = nullptr; node->prev = nullptr; node->next = head; head->prev = node; head = node; }else{ /* put the middle node as a head*/ node->prev->next = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; node->next = head; node->prev = nullptr; head->prev = node; head = node; } } }else{ /* no change in order*/ } } return value; }
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Abstract Classes - Polymorphism
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class LRUCache: public Cache{ public: LRUCache(int c){cp = c; tail = nullptr; head = nullptr;} virtual void set(int key, int value) override{ map::iterator it = mp.find(key); Node* node = nullptr; if(it == mp.end()){ node =new Node(nullptr, head, key, value); if(mp.size() >= cp){ tail = tail->prev; tail->next->prev = nullptr; mp.erase(tail->next->key); delete tail->next; tail->next = nullptr; }else{ } if(tail == nullptr) tail = node; if(head) head->prev = node; head = node; mp[key] = node; }else{ it->second->value = value; node = it->second; if(node != head){ if(head->next == tail){ /* replace the order for head and tail*/ head = head->next; tail = tail->prev; tail->next = nullptr; head->prev = nullptr; head->next = tail; tail->prev = head; }else{ if(node == tail){ /* put the tail as a head*/ tail = tail->prev; tail->next = nullptr; node->prev = nullptr; node->next = head; head->prev = node; head = node; }else{ /* put the middle node as a head*/ node->prev->next = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; node->next = head; node->prev = nullptr; head->prev = node; head = node; } } }else{ /* no change in order*/ } } }