It seems to be OK to post code so let me share mine to show that you don't need lots of code to do it in Python

    from math import isqrt
    from itertools import accumulate
    NMAX = 10**12
    TMAX = math.isqrt(2*NMAX) + 2
    TOT = None
    ACC = None
    def totient_init(n):
        global TOT
        TOT = list(range(n+1))
        for i in range(2,n+1,2): TOT[i] //= 2
        p = 3
        while p <= n:
            if TOT[p] == p:   # not touched yet, that is: prime
                for i in range(p,n+1,p): TOT[i] = TOT[i] * (p-1) // p
            p += 2
    def solve(l,r):
        # prepare totient table etc
        global TOT,ACC
        if not TOT:
            # for even i we need phi(i/2) not phi(i), different for  i=4*k
            for i in range(4,TMAX+1,4): TOT[i] //= 2
            # multiply neighbours
            tot_it = iter(TOT)
            ACC = [a*b for a,b in zip(TOT,tot_it)]
            ACC = list(accumulate(ACC))
        return ACC[tri_down(r)] - ACC[tri_up(l)-1]
    def tri_up(n):   # idx of next triangular number at n or above
        if i*(i+1)//2 < n: i+=1
        return i
    def tri_down(n):  # idx of next triangular number at n or below
        if i*(i+1)//2 > n: i-=1
        return i