Terms you'll find helpful in completing today's challenge are outlined below, along with sample Java code (where appropriate).

Linked List

A singly linked list is a data structure having a list of elements where each element has a reference pointing to the next element in the list. Its elements are generally referred to as nodes; each node has a data field containing a data value and a next field pointing to the next element in the list (or null if it is the last element in the list). The diagram below depicts a linked list of length :


The sample code below demonstrates how to create a LinkedList of Strings, and some of the operations that can be performed on it.

LinkedList<String> myLinkedList = new LinkedList<String>();

// Add a node with data="First" to back of the (empty) list

// Add a node with data="Second" to the back of the list

// Insert a node with data="Third" at front of the list

// Insert a node with data="Fourth" at back of the list

// Insert a node with data="Fifth" at index 2
myLinkedList.add(2, "Fifth"); 

// Print the list: [Third, First, Fifth, Second, Fourth]

// Print the value at list index 2:

// Empty the list

// Print the newly emptied list: []

// Adds a node with data="Sixth" to back of the (empty) list
System.out.println(myLinkedList); // print the list: [Sixth]

The above code produces the following output:

[Third, First, Fifth, Second, Fourth]

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