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Good solution using recursion:
with funnel as ( select submission_date as cur, hacker_id from submissions where 1=1 and submission_date = (select min(submission_date) from submissions) union all select dateadd(day, 1, f.cur) as cur, s.hacker_id from funnel f join submissions s on s.hacker_id = f.hacker_id and s.submission_date = dateadd(day, 1, f.cur) ), funnel_counting as ( select cur as submission_date, count(distinct hacker_id) as hackers_funnel from funnel group by cur ), submissions_hacking as ( select submission_date, hacker_id, count(submission_id) as submissions from submissions group by submission_date, hacker_id ), submissions_rn as ( select submission_date, hacker_id, row_number() over (partition by submission_date order by submissions desc, hacker_id asc) as rn from submissions_hacking ) select fc.submission_date, fc.hackers_funnel, sr.hacker_id, as hacker_name from funnel_counting fc join submissions_rn sr on fc.submission_date = sr.submission_date join hackers h on sr.hacker_id = h.hacker_id where 1=1 and sr.rn = 1 order by fc.submission_date option(maxrecursion 0);
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Good solution using recursion: