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## /*## Enter your query here.## Please append a semicolon ";" at the end of the query and enter your query in a single line to avoid error.## */## WITH ## data AS(## SELECT * ## FROM Submissions## WHERE submission_date BETWEEN## '2016-03-01' AND '2016-03-15'## ),## daily_subm_cnt AS(## SELECT hacker_id, submission_date,## COUNT(*) subm_cnt## FROM data## GROUP BY hacker_id, submission_date## ),## accum_subm_cnt AS(## SELECT submission_date,## hacker_id,## subm_cnt,## SUM(1) OVER## (PARTITION BY hacker_id ## ORDER BY submission_date) accum_cnt## FROM daily_subm_cnt## ),## atl_one AS(## SELECT submission_date, subm_cnt, hacker_id, accum_cnt## FROM accum_subm_cnt## WHERE accum_cnt > DATEDIFF(DAY, '2016-03-01', submission_date)## ),## ranked_cnt AS(## SELECT submission_date, subm_cnt, hacker_id, accum_cnt,## RANK() OVER(## PARTITION BY submission_date ## ORDER BY subm_cnt DESC) cnt_rnk## FROM accum_subm_cnt## ),## ranked_hacker AS(## SELECT submission_date, subm_cnt, hacker_id, cnt_rnk,## RANK() OVER(## PARTITION BY submission_date## ORDER BY hacker_id ASC) id_rnk## FROM ranked_cnt## WHERE cnt_rnk = 1## ),## daily_hacker_cnt AS(## SELECT submission_date, COUNT(DISTINCT(hacker_id)) hacker_cnt## FROM atl_one## GROUP BY submission_date## )## ## SELECT dhc.submission_date, dhc.hacker_cnt,## rh.hacker_id, h.name## FROM daily_hacker_cnt dhc## JOIN ranked_hacker rh## ON rh.submission_date = dhc.submission_date## AND rh.id_rnk = 1## JOIN Hackers h## ON h.hacker_id = rh.hacker_id;**
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