15 Days of Learning SQL


    What is wrong with the following?

    with cte as( select submission_date, hacker_id, count(*) as no_of_submissions, dense_rank() over(partition by submission_date order by submission_date) as day_number from Submissions group by submission_date, hacker_id), cte2 as( select , count() over(partition by hacker_id order by submission_date) as till_date_submission, case when day_number = count(*) over(partition by hacker_id order by submission_date) then 1 else 0 end as unique_flag from cte ),cte3 as( select *, sum(unique_flag) over(partition by submission_date) as unique_count, row_number() over(partition by submission_date order by no_of_submissions desc, hacker_id) as rn from cte2 ) select submission_date,unique_count,c.hacker_id,name from cte3 c join Hackers h on c.hacker_id = h.hacker_id where rn = 1 order by submission_date;