Loved by millions of developers and trusted by thousands of companies

The <university> hiring platform

Entry-level hires are the future of your company, growing and shaping your dev teams. But finding, screening, and hiring large volumes of applicants can be a challenge. From engagement events to coding tests, HackerRank offers all the tools you need to hire the early-career developers that drive your innovation forward.

Engagement PLatform

Attract skilled university devs with real-world challenges

Engage more developers with integrated tools for creating, hosting, and promoting recruiting events.

  • Branded websites to promote recruiting events.
  • Scheduled email sequences to drive event attendance.
  • Leaderboards to showcase participant standing and gamify events.
Automated Screening

Screen and hire large volumes of applicants in a flash

Quickly evaluate the skills of entry-level developers with an automated screening process.

  • Set up an optimal hiring process for each role.
  • Assess large volumes of candidates with a consistent standard.
  • Ensure the right skills are assessed at the right time, in the right way.
Plagiarism Detection

Ensure fair and accurate assessments

Promote a fair test-taking environment with cutting-edge proctoring and unmatched AI-powered plagiarism detection.

  • Give every developer an equal opportunity to showcase their skills.
  • Monitor dozens of signals, including copy/paste tracking and tab switching.
  • Successfully detect AI use through enhanced code review.

“HackerRank has played a pivotal role in helping us shift our focus from pedigree to a more comprehensive evaluation of early career candidates. It’s been a refreshing change.”

See HackerRank In action

We've helped companies hire millions of developers, and along the way we've learned that hiring processes are more effective when they’re tailored for the nuances of each role.