Where to start?

SkillUp is built on an industry-proven skills taxonomy that’s configured to capture current and emerging skills, like GenAI (including reviewing AI-generated code, building with an AI assistant, and prompt engineering). And because SkillUp certifications are grounded in millions of developer test submissions, you can have complete confidence in the validity of all reported skills.

Zoom in on your talent

Dig deeper with the talent directory. Filter by skills and certifications, or click into individual developers for a detailed look.

Reflect developer skills
and growth edges

SkillUp’s employee portal showcases current and expected proficiency levels, and curates tailored learning paths where developers can close skill gaps and earn certifications.

Upskill with SkillUp

Let your devs browse and select new skills to learn. Each skill has three proficiency levels, associated learning materials, and a badge assessment.

Encourage role-playing

Give your developers the opportunity to grow toward an aspirational role. SkillUp tracks the skills they’ll need and lets them demonstrate their readiness through assessments and role certifications.

Showcase skill accomplishments

These activities result in high quality skills profiles developers can use to showcase their skills internally. In addition to SkillUp badges and certifications, developers can import certs from other sites as well.

Happy developers are more productive and stay with you longer

Developers cite learning new skills and opportunities for career growth as two of the top three reasons they stay with a company.

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