What is a hacker?

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What is a hacker?

In general terms, hacking means getting unauthorized access to the system. Those who provide this access, that is, those who perform this action, are defined as "hackers". Although many hackers are against pirate recognition, hackers' definition has become available worldwide, under the influence of the media.

In fact, “hacking” is to try to detect the weaknesses of a system using different methods and to get a second access to the related system by using these weaknesses. On the other hand, hackers have proven their expertise in many areas such as systems, networks, software and have access to electronic-based systems or systems by using the weaknesses of accounts on the internet.

Hackers are called programmers or network and system administrators who are experts in their fields. They have a culture that lasted ten years from the most primitive times of the internet world to the present day. The people we call hackers at the beginning are known as computer masters with their technical skills that contribute to the development of the systems by finding the weaknesses of the systems.

However, we cannot imagine a world where everyone is well-intentioned. Of course, there are also people who can use this knowledge, skills and experience to gain unauthorized access to systems, break systems, steal, copy, delete or commit similar cybercrime. People working in companies like Cisco, SYSNETTECH Solutions are defined as "crackers" instead of hackers. However, thanks to the media, cracking systems that commit cybercrime, damage data or have bad movements are defined as hackers instead of crackers and placed on the same scale as hackers. Naturally, in the folk language, hackers are called malicious hackers or cyber criminals.

What Do Hackers Do?

The main job of these people, defined as computer hackers in the world of information technology, is to discover backdoors in systems, vulnerabilities, report these vulnerabilities to malicious companies and contribute to the development of the systems. In this job, they receive a salary by working in a company or institution where they are in other professions.

In recent years, with the development of technology and the processing of information about electronic systems, we see that states have established a salaried cyber army to protect their cyber security systems and use these capabilities in private positions at the state level.

Groups that call themselves hackers but are identified as malicious people rather than masters are people who disrupt computer systems and use their systems without permission for reasons such as earning income or satisfying the ego.

Unauthorized access to hackers or hackers, personal computers or computers and networks belonging to various institutions and organizations. In a broader and historical manner, the information to be entered into electronic or mechanical vending systems is the name given to people who mislead the service system by passing the filter, which is the key slot that controls the use of the correct key.

What are the types of hackers?

Hacker types;

• Hacktivist: Hacktivists place their messages by hacking specific sites to address social or political issues that are bad or wrong for them. • Black hat: The most familiar hackers who can exploit security vulnerabilities, break any program, site or computer, render systems unusable, or steal confidential information. The most harmful hackers are in black hats. • With a white hat: Those with a white hat can break any program, site, or computer using vulnerabilities, but by reporting the system vulnerabilities to the system administrator, they ensure that these vulnerabilities are closed and protected from harmful people. • With a gray hat: They are hackers who can attack the limit of legality, be good or bad. • Software hacker: Software hackers break the copy protections of computer programs, allowing them to distribute these programs without permission and earn money. Software hackers publish pirated games and program CDs. Phreaker: People working in telephone networks try to make free calls by hacking telephone systems. • Scenario kiddie: Scenario children are people who care about hackers. These are not exactly hackers. Script attacks often steal people's emails or instant message passwords. • Lamer: A person who does not know exactly what he is doing does not know well enough to hack.


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