You should be a student (Graduating in 2018/2019/ 2020) pursuing BTech, BE, MTech, ME, MS, Dual Degree
This contest is open to women from all branches to participate from one of the listed colleges ONLY
There are five challenges to solve, all coded on HackerRank.
You can also code using our interface, which currently supports over 40 major languages. Learn about our environment and time limits
here. If you are not yet familiar with our platform, check out
Solve Me First to acquaint yourself with I/O
Scoring details for each system-graded challenge will become available when the contest begins. HackerRank’s scoring decisions are final for system-graded challenges
If HackerRank and/or Visa identifies any suspicious activity (i.e. creation of multiple accounts), then we reserve the right to remove users from the leaderboard
Participants will be ranked by score. If two participants have the same score, the tie will be broken by comparing submission times from the time that you started the challenges. The fastest coder will win
Once you started the challenge, you will only have four hours to submit your answers to the system-graded questions
Please refrain from discussing strategy during the contest
All submissions are checked by a plagiarism detector. Any case of code plagiarism will disqualify both users from the contest
In the event you face a technical issue you can ask a question on the Contest discussion forum or write to
Results and names of winners will be declared by VISA by 15th October 2017
Winners announced by Visa will have the opportunity to interview with us for Intern / full time positions at Visa , Bangalore
Prizes will be rewarded to only women participants who consent to share their information with Visa
Visa will fly you down and provide you accommodation at Bangalore for your interview
Winners will receive their prizes in person here in Bangalore