Welcome to the initial round of the SLIIT CODEFEST ALGOTHON 2022!
After the conclusion of the introductory session, the contest will be opened on the HackerRank platform on 04/01/2023 (Wednesday) at 9.30am IST. Each team will have three (3) hours to complete the challenges given and the contest will end automatically at 12.30pm IST same day. There will be ten (10) challenges, which must be solved and submitted to the HackerRank platform. The top 10 teams will be selected based on the HackerRank leaderboard at the end of the allocated time.
The top 10 teams will be selected via the contest leaderboard on HackerRank and will be given a confirmation via an email. They will compete in the final round on a later date.
Please refer: https://codefest.lk/algothon.html for general guidelines.