


Typescript is a strongly typed superset of JavaScript which compiles to plain JavaScript. It is a pure object-oriented programming language and it works well for large scale Javascript applications.

This competency area includes Access Modifiers, Readonly Modifiers, Accessors, Decorators, Constructors, Instances, and static members.

Key Competencies:

  1. Access Modifiers - Understanding of access modifiers (public, private, protected), commonly used to allow access to members in a class.
  2. Read-only Modifiers - Use of read-only modifiers to disallow changing of members in an object.
  3. Accessors - Use of get/set accessors to access and control and to set the value to a member of an object.
  4. Decorators - Use of decorators to communicate information about the functions, class, property, or parameters.
  5. Constructors, Instance, and static members - Use of default constructors and parameterized constructors in a class.  Use of static members to share a variable across all instances of a class.