


Linux refers to the family of operating systems based on the open-source Linux Kernel [first released in 1991] with a largely Unix-like interface. This family of operating systems is distributed and specialized for varied purposes, such as desktops, smartphones, mainframes, edge computing devices, etc. Linux was solely built as an open-source project and today is the most widely used family of operating systems in the world.

The competencies include theoretical fundamentals, basics in bash, usage of package manager, text editors to edit files, and an understanding of the Linux boot process.

Key Competencies: 

  1. Core Concepts - Knowledge of Linux internals such as a kernel, process, thread, memory stack vs memory heap, and root access.
  2. Basic Bash - Bash is a UNIX shell and command language whose usage is important to exhibit competency in Linux. This includes the creation and manipulation of files and directories, searching for files and keywords in files, environment variables, loop, and conditional constructs, and using functions.
  3. Usage of Package Manager - A package manager is a collection of tools that are used to install, remove, update, and configure software packages in a consistent way. Each flavor of Linux ships with a default package manager.
  4. Text Editors [vim, nano, emacs, etc] - Command-line text editors are essential for editing text files. They provide macros or shortcuts to write, edit, and navigate through text files.
  5. Linux boot process - The boot process is different stages that a system goes through to set-up the operating system.