Appium is an open-source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. It drives iOS, Android, and Windows apps using the WebDriver protocol.
This competency area includes using automation for testing Android, and iOS devices, Appium Desired Capabilities for Android Emulators, native apps, Appium Inspector, Appium installation packages, XPath, integration with TestNG, web apps, and multithreading.
Key Competencies:
- Automation - Ability to automate native, hybrid, and web apps in Android/iOS.
- Integration - Ability to integrate Appium with technologies like Maven, TestNG, Jenkins, JUnit, Git, Extent Reports, and Apache Log4J2.
- Appium Webdriver - Ability to automate mobile browsers: Chrome & Safari with Appium WebDriver library under the hood.
- CI/CD Integration - Implement an end-to-end CI/CD pipeline using Appium using the framework features: logging and reporting.
- Object Locators and Techniques - Identify elements using Appium Inspector, and UI Automator. Find elements using ClassName, ids, and Xpaths and locate elements within elements, multiple elements, and on the app.
- Appium Gestures Using Touch Action API - Ability to automate mobile gestures like scroll, swipe, long press, tap, and Touch Actions.
- Appium Commands - Ability to use commands: click, send keys, clear, get text, get attribute, get location, get the size, quit, drag, and drop.